Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Obamacare Indepe.....Oh, wait.

This past week has made me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh some more. I couldn't resist to share. Earlier this week, Nancy Pelosi said that we could celebrate Health Independence with her on the 4th of July.
Then I woke up and saw the news where Obamacare has been DELAYED.
*Insert chirping voice* Denied.
I know that we all make mistakes as humans, but I mean, come ON! What on earth was Pelosi thinking saying that in the first place?!? Oh, wait. She wasn't. She hardly ever thinks before she speaks. And for the record, the last time I checked, 4th of July marks INDEPENDANCE DAY for the United States! The victory and liberty from suppressing Britain. It never has stood for anything else for the American people, and it never should. I will not now or ever celebrate a healthcare regime that has been delayed (even though it is supposed to be something AMAZING---yeah, right...). So, on the 4th, I want to thank all of those that are willing to lay down their life, leave their families, go into unknown, dangerous territory for my freedom. I want to celebrate the military and all that they've done-from 1776 until 2013- thank you.
Image: Princeton Conversation Group
Thank you to all that serve!
Another thing: Why on earth would a leader cancel celebrations for those fighting for their freedom? Fighting so that they may stay in the position that they are in at the moment. Why cancel the celebrations and little break of those that fight in order that one can go to Africa on a $100,000,000 trip?

This is Harder Than I Thought

Not spending money is HARD. Really HARD.

I never realized exactly how addicted I truly was. I even looked at my bank account online and where exactly my money was going. Talk about a tough pill to swallow. When I don't want to face reality, I don't. I am extremely talented and ignoring reality, and if I ignore it, it's not there, right? No problem. Now, it's time to get over that fear of reality. I'm diving in, I'm going deep. There's a plan for once. Face it. Get it done.

I always say I believe in personal responsibility(because I do). Now, it's time to stand up and take responsibility for my spending, and stop acting like the government.

I have cut back....quite a bit. I still live and have fun with friends. I don't follow the guidelines of the previous link religiously. I made my own rules that work for me in my life right now-and that's truly the only way one can live. What works for me may not work for you. And what works for you most likely won't work for me. It takes a moment to sit back, concentrate, and realize what is going to work. What are your priorities? What can you cut for right now? (It doesn't have to be forever).

It is hard, really hard. But I'm already seeing pay off and I've not been doing this in a super long time frame.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Money, Money, Money!!

It's time to...get serious.

Get serious about my financial life.

Okay, this is where it becomes real. I love Dave Ramsey! I am a HUGE fan! I have and have listened to all of his series on the financial life, and how to get out of debt, and save $$$$$$. I get super excited go on the stream of thinking: I CAN DO THIS!!! And then reality hits....

Here's one of my extreme weaknesses: I LOVE spending money. It's almost an addiction. Okay, I can admit it really is an addiction. I am definitely the "Free Spirit" and "Spender" out of the two categories he provides. The main time I spend money is when I'm upset... I go buy myself my favorite drink (Diet Dr. Pepper) and go shopping! Generally, I stick to buying movies and books. I spend hours upon hours (literally) in these shops when I'm upset-even when I'm not- and end up purchasing more than I should. I unfortunately have what one of my favorite professors calls, "Poverty Mentality" or spend what you make and don't save. (That's scary to type out).

Extreme weakness #2....I can't get rid of things. I'm not a hoarder (yet), but I am a serious pack rat. It's quite frankly ridiculous. I get in moods every so often where I just want to get rid of items, and I do....but that's once in a blue moon.

I've tried to have "Gazelle Intensity" in selling items, but I end up making excuses. Lousy excuses.

One reason it is really easy for me to make excuses for myself right now is I'm not actually SEEING the debt. The ONLY debt I have right now are my feisty student loans. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a chunk of change, but it's the only thing that is on my debt cart. My car was given to me as a blessing (and what a blessing that is!), I have never used or opened a credit card account, and I don't have a mortgage. Since, I don't have payments on them because I'm still in school, and I know I don't HAVE to pay them off currently. So I just don't think about them....until they come into my dreams. Seriously.

You may be wondering-Why are you telling me this, Holly? Well, it's for accountability. You see, I'm a spender, and I have used it as an excuse for far tooooooooo long. It's time to move on from excuses. It's time to get serious.

I look at the accounts....and nothing has changed. I even had to ask for help for what should have been my responsibility. I have justified my actions for far too long. It's time.

SO, I'm going to try something new... I found it on the beloved It's a blog talking about how she got out of debt, and out of debt FAST! Literally. She did a spending fast. I feel like it takes a different approach from the Dave Ramsey style (which I still adore). Check out her sassy style at

I am extremely familiar with fasting. Growing up my family used to do certain fasts-particularly the first few weeks of January. Whether from food, television, soda, movies, books (Mom and Dad never let me fast school...I didn't understand why.) we fasted and used that time to seek God and His will. I NEVER thought to do a spending fast. Now, if you go to this site, she doesn't link it to biblical view or anything, but I am-because that's WHO I am.

God doesn't call us to live in poverty. He calls us to help the poor and the widows. How could I continue to do what I'm called with continuing to be completely irresponsible?

I'm asking you, internet world, to keep me accountable in this process.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Beginning

It's time to.... prepare for SENIOR YEAR!!
(and everything after)
"Wait, I don't know what I'm gonna do?!?! I don't know... Otto!" -Name the band that says that and you win 5 brownie points!
I feel like my life is moving in slow motion, yet it is in super sonic speed. It is currently the summer before my SENIOR year in college! How crazy is that? I don't feel (or act) old enough to be a senior...
My biggest fear at the current moment is what people have already been asking me: What are you going to do after you graduate? That's when I feel like screaming from the roof tops a line from one of my many favorite movies:
Image taken from Google Images.
I laugh every time I see this picture! I's so accurate.
I wish I did have a plan. I wish I knew everything in store. I wish I knew which direction I even wanted to go in! That would be simple, wouldn't it?

I wish. I wish. I wish.

This is where I know it is different. My God knows ALL whether I do or not. He created me with a purpose, for a purpose. I'm not the only one either. YOU have a purpose. YOU have a destiny. YOU are right where you need to be. It may be scary and an unknown place. That's okay...... as long as we keep going!
What I DO know and believe in my heart is seeking God above ALL else means the rest of life will fall into place little by little. Which is easier said than done. Seeking God above the perfect job. Seeking God above the perfect mate. Seeking God above the perfect grade. Seeking God above the perfect grad school. Seeking God above ALL else means ALL else.

My job right now is to enjoy life as it comes while pursuing my first love Jesus with all of my heart. I am to prepare for what I know, and lean on God for everything, and in every moment. This is where I think of the "clichéd" verse (It's clichéd because it's true)...
 Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight."

So, if you ask me what I'm going to do after I graduate, and through my senior year. I will respond with Proverbs 3:5-6 AND Psalm 46:10a where it says, "Be still, and know that I am God."

That's my plan, Stan. :)